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Red Buffalo Images is committed to uplifting Native communities by creating economic opportunities. Through fair compensation and revenue-sharing models, we ensure that community members benefit directly from their contributions to our projects.

Growing Native 

Red People

PBS Documentary Series 

Oklahoma is home to thirty-nine federally recognized tribes. Nowhere in North America will you find such diversity among Native Peoples, and nowhere will you find a more tragic history. Host Moses Brings Plenty (Oglala Lakota) discovers, among the many faces of Oklahoma culture, the determination, values and respect that tribes have brought to this land, once called Indian Territory.

Native America 

Season 2

PBS Documentary Series 

In a club in Brooklyn, Bear Witness and Tim 2oolman Hill, the duo behind The Halluci Nation, an electronic music group, are putting a new spin on a traditional beat and taking power over how they represent themselves and Indigenous people. The Halluci Nation performs "R.E.D.," "Stay," and "Sisters" in this extended performance.

Urban Rez

PBS Documentary  

From 1952 to 1973, the Bureau of Indian Affairs sponsored the Voluntary Relocation Program, which encouraged Indians to move from tribal lands to cities. In return, participants received short-term assistance with housing and job training. About 100,000 people participated in the program. 

Red Power Energy

PBS Documentary 

From tribes mining coal, drilling oil and fracking natural gas to a coalition of tribes and individuals building sustainable wind farms and small scale residential solar, an engrossing story emerges that showcases America’s Indigenous population reclaiming their right of self-determination.

Trees, Water & People

Non Profit

Trees, Water & People's mission is to improve people's lives by helping communities protect, conserve, and manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends. 

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Standing Bear 

& The Trail Ahead

Government Video

The Great Plains Symposium “Standing Bear and the Trail Ahead” explored the status, challenges, and especially the opportunities and prospects that Native Americans and First Peoples face going forward.

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The Reign of Terror

Osage Murders

PBS Documentary Series

It’s estimated that from 1910 to 1930 hundreds of Osage tribal members were murdered or died under suspicious circumstances in an organized effort to rob them of their oil money. This documentary illustrates this forgotten era of the Osage and brings to life the story of one of the darkest chapters in American History. 


Growing Native 

Coast Salish

PBS Documentary Series

Travel down historic waterways as the tribe revisits their ancient connection to the water with an annual canoe journey. Experience both traditional and contemporary arts and meet the tribal members that are bringing Camas, a traditional root, back to harvest.


American Indian
Catholic School


Aspiring to empower Native American Catholic schools to provide unparalleled education to their local community – where families dream to send their kids and where community members strive to work.


A Conversation with 
Native Americans on 
Law Enforcement

PBS Short Series

"Native Americans face a disproportionate rate of arrests compared to Caucasian Americans, often attributed to systemic profiling and abuse within law enforcement. This issue is explored in the latest segment of the ongoing series presented by The New York Times - Op-Docs.


Lincoln Indian Center
Youth Suicide


Indian Center, Inc. provides value to the Native American community by creating and obtaining programs that empower self-sufficiency and positive quality of life standards in individuals and families. The Youth Suicide Program was created to address the epidemic in Native American Communities.


Growing Native 

PBS Documentary Series

People of the North

All across Alaska, Native cultures have depended on the abundant natural resources found there to support their families, cultures and way of life. Now these resources are growing scarce, and the people who have relied on them for centuries have to find new ways to adapt. 


Vision Maker Media


Vision Maker Media’s mission is empowering and engaging Native people to share stories. We envision a world changed and healed by understanding Native stories and the public conversations they generate. VMM supports training to increase the number of Native Americans and Alaska Natives producing public broadcasting programs.

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Unjust Enrichment: Rural Water Sold to Fracking Industry

News Feature

The Three Affiliated Tribes created a for-profit water corporation to sell millions of gallons of water to the hydraulic fracking industry. Chairman Mark Fox, Councilman Randy Phelan, engineering firm Bartlett and West are being sued in federal court for trespassing on tribal citizens land.

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